About you
Our vision is to help you achieve yours.
Who we work with?
Our advice has the biggest impact for clients we work with over the longer-term. We build a strong relationship based on trust and delivering on our promises. We develop an evolving financial plan that keeps you on track to achieve the lifestyle you want. We often work with clients at points of financial uncertainty or complexity, with excellent results, although our advice can create the biggest long-term impact when it enables us to work with you to avoid those crisis points through effective, expert planning. Here are some examples of the work we do:
Clients approaching retirement
Retirement is a chance to do more of what you enjoy. We help clients to envision and plan for a retirement they can truly look forward to. Through careful analysis we can answer the big questions many clients have, such as when to retire and how much income will they have to follow the lifestyle they want. In many cases we advise clients they can comfortably spend more than they expect without ever running out of money. In some cases, clients can afford to reduce the time they spend working or retire early. We help you to understand what your ideal retirement looks like and help you implement practical steps that will make this happen.
Clients in retirement and beyond
Your retirement will mark the beginning of a new way of life with many new experiences. However, experience of working with our clients shows us this is not a single event, but a period of your life made up of different stages. You will therefore want to continue looking ahead, updating your plans as you go. It is important to ensure the income you withdraw from your pensions and investments is at the right level. If you take too much money out of the pot, too soon, you could find you have to make difficult decisions later in life. Equally, if you don’t spend enough money to live the lifestyle you want in your most active years you may miss out on experiences and opportunities altogether. For most clients there are several ways of drawing a particular level of income and, with our help and this is planned correctly, you could save yourself thousands in unnecessary taxes. We will keep you on track and ensure you make the most out of your retirement fund.

Clients wishing to preserve the value of their estate
Inheritance tax is known as a ‘voluntary’ tax, as there are ways to plan to reduce the amount of tax you pay on your estate. Clients with larger estates and more than one child can end up paying more in inheritance tax’ than they pass on to their children if they don’t implement the right planning. We assist you to understand your options and implement your chosen strategy to preserve the value in your estate for future generations.
Professionals and Business Owners
We appreciate that running a business, regardless of its size, requires considerable focus. As a busy professional or business owner you may be unable to devote as much time as you like towards planning and implementing practical steps to enable the realisation of your personal ambitions. We will work with you to forward plan and maximise your opportunities and mitigate tax, whether this be investment and pension planning to achieve your retirement goals, protecting your business against the death or serious long term illness of your key individuals, or advising you on how to make your company cash reserves work harder for you.

Clients who are getting divorced
We can help you become financially organised before and after your divorce completes. We will help you pull all of the relevant facts together and sense check any of the information given to you by your soon-to-be former spouse and help you understand what a fair settlement would look like for you. Where there is a breakdown in trust we can work on your behalf to help you achieve the right settlement for you, or if you prefer, we can work with both of you to maximise the situation for both of you based on the resources you have. We often work in tandem with other professionals such as solicitors and mediators. Crucially, we can use the allowances available to you to move assets between you in the most tax efficient way.
We provide tailored, objective investment advice based on the specific requirements of the Charity. We act as an independent adviser and help you as trustees to comply with the governing documents of your organisation, the provisions of Trustee Act 2000 and the requirements of the Charities Commission. This can include assisting and writing your Investment Policy Statement, agreeing appropriate benchmarks, and monitoring and reviewing the Charity’s investments to maximise performance.

We are experienced in providing expert investment advice to Trustees and have also been appointed to act as Trustees alongside clients. We take time to understand your objectives as a Trustee and the circumstances of the beneficiaries, so we can build the right investment strategy to suit the purposes of the Trust. We will then meet regularly to ensure the investment strategy we implement is performing well against the benchmarks we select. Our service is designed to ensure the objectives of the trust are met to give you peace of mind, knowing your Trustee responsibilities in relation to investment matters have been fulfilled.
For more information about our services, get in touch with a member of our team